RHS Club de francais
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Extra Credit 10 pts due monday June 6 before 7:00am

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Extra Credit 10 pts due monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  xiaotian Lun 6 Juin - 8:03

1. En classe de français que j'aime faire des projets parce qu'ils sont amusants et ont des interactions en français. Twisted Evil Arrow
2. Je n'ai pas aimé les sponges parce que certaines nuits, je les oublie. mais ils sont bénéfiques et vous devez les conserver pour une bonne pratique. Sleep sunny Basketball bounce bounce bounce
3.the current learning environment is fine considering that we as a class are speaking french and interacting in french instead of textbook reading. here we acctually learn to SPEAK french which is very great and that should be continued. bounce bounce bounce bounce Wink Mad Razz Embarassed
4.the homework really depends on the teacher and the goals that the teacher want the students to achieve. the amount of homework really doesn't matter, and you should still focus on quality over quantity. you're doing great by the way. bounce bounce bounce pig I love you Suspect
5.i hoped that we would do a final exam more focused on speaking as that is what we were learning throughout the year--how to speak.
6.this year has been a great year and i would not changed anything except for the lack of oral examination as a part of the final examination. but all in all you were great as a teacher and i enjoyed your teachings this past year. thank you!~ afro lol! lol! bounce bounce bounce Question Exclamation Arrow


Messages : 22
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  melissa Lun 6 Juin - 4:43

1. C'est ma classe au favorite! J'adour a toi et je suis content avce les activities dans le class. J'adore mes moes et les films. J'adore parle en francais avec mes mies aussie!
2. Je ne pense pas le classe est mal. J'adore le class. Le class est tres grande et est tres difficult pour le coconversation en francais. Je voux parle en francais tout.
3. I think the class needs to be more motivated to paricipate. I know most everyone is willing to learn but its a matter of getting everyone to only speak french. There is too much english speaking in french class.
4. I think homework is a pain but maybe if you gave us two worksheets every Monday and made themovie Friday it would be easier. Then if we continue Friday movies we have to have our worksheets for that week done or no movie. They should also be worth points (not too many) to get people to do them.
5. I want to learn french slang words and sayings. Also documentaries about the country are intresting too. I think that if we learned more about france and how they communicate it would help motivate us. Also, I really enjoyed the music videos we used to watch. It was fun!
We should translate lyrics of english song into french and french songs to english. But moderm songs, not the ones from the french book company.
6.I think tgat it was a sucessful year but next year will be better. I think we need to communicate more and maybe take more oral exams instead of only written ones. Also I enjoyed reading the stories in class. We should do more group activities and projects.

I really love your class and the way you teach! You are my favorite teacher and I really like having this class.

Have a good summer!


Messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010
Age : 30

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Message  jasella Lun 6 Juin - 4:18

1)En classe de francais, j'ai apprecie les projects parce que c'etatit amusant. J'aime regarde les films le vendredi parce que il etatit un bon repos.
2)Je n'aime pas les bell ringers parce que ils n'etaient pas tres efficaces. Je n'aime pas regarde le unit films parce que je n'ai rien appris d'eux.
3)We had a fairly large class which makes it hard for us to all pay attention and get the help we need. Definately a LOT of talking going on, and not in French either. (I'm guilty of this) But I think you need to enforce the only talking in French rule.
4)Although I hate the homework, I'd like more of it. It's good practice. However, we need to discuss it more and make sure everyone understands and it would help if you actually graded them because we would do them and actually try.
5)Have a group French discussion about once a month where we only talk in French.
6)This year was harder because I didn't pay attention as much. If you enforced collecting homework and if we took more time on the sections, then it would really help. We need more writing and speaking activites. Although I enjoy my Friday movie days, I think you should tie something along with it like how we did for avoir les infants. I thought that was good. Enforce the talking in French only rule and stay strict on things.

I love French class and you are by far my favorite teacher! I'm going to miss you over the Summer & I hope you enjoy yours! I'll see you next year and I pray that I'll be able to go on a trip with you! Je t'aime!

P.S. PLEASE MARRY Phelix!!!!!!!!! cheers


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  zack Dim 5 Juin - 20:58

1. En classe de francais, j'ai apprecie les projects et le films de francais parce-que j'aime beacoup les projects et les films mais nous avons tres bon aussi.
2. Je n'aime pas les bell ringers ou les pop quizzes, parce-que j'ai les devoirs beacoup et il est tres difficille pour le studying.
3. i liked the class overall and all the students and i became good friends with all of them. I didn't like the bell ringers because i have a lot of homework on top of those. I love the projects because i'm a very hands-on person and enjoy projects rather than reports or tests. i like the movies a lot and they really helped me understand how fast french people talk and their not going to talk slow so you can understand it. the movies were very funny and i enjoyed them in french and looking at the english subtitles.
4. the amount of homework in the class wasn't terrible, but just like every student on this forum, i'm going to say that i would like less of course. i think the amount was the perfect amount but i would always love less.
5. i would like it if we went outside more often and identified objects outside and said them in french. Or we could go outside and each student say what they see and how the weather is, or where they are standing in relation to the school, or what they are wearing, and things like that. just more interactive activities so we don't fall asleep in class.
6. i had a lot of fun this year getting to know new friends and meeting up with old ones. the things i enjoyed the most were the projects and hands-on activities like the board games and shoe box. i prefer more outdoors activities so we can get out of the class and get some sunshine or snow haha. i had a lot of fun and their wasn't much to improve but i would've liked more outdoors activities because staying in a desk for an hour is very boring and you don't learn much because you're not very involved in the class.

Thank you for a great year Ms. D and I'm going to miss you over the summer!



Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  nuvraj Sam 4 Juin - 1:38

1. En classe de Francais j'ai apprecie les projets, parce que c'etait amusant. J'aime regarder un film tous les vendredis parce que il etait bon pour relaxant et bein pour la comprehension du francais.

2. Pas etre mechant mais je n'aime pas la lecture du livre propos de Jean-Luc parce que qu'il etait bizarre et ennuyeux.

3. If the class was more quiet and motivated, it would be easier to teach and to learn. If we spoke more french and did group conversations amongst another, it would definitely be more effective and better.

4. I personally would recommend a couple of sections for every other night so we can be familiar with the format of the context that will be taught. The more we practice it besides in class would affect the use and understanding of the language. Too much homework is not very fun due to the fact we have other classes too.

5. I would like to learn more about the country and their agriculture and culture itself. If there was a video on culture and/or the country, like a documentary or something, it would be very interesting and informative. Culture is a big part in the language it is important that we get to know the culture for it will improve our understanding.

6. This year has been great and I really enjoyed it. But, the amount of time spent on each of the lessons was very small and it didnt engrave a lot of the information. Also, for next years AP course, I would expect there to be effective teaching and context. More practice tests would help a lot! Otherwise, doing more productive work, being strict on assignments, and having fun are the main things. We should have a day sometime where we go over stuff that most students are struggling with so that issue can be clarified. Meanwhile throughout the year, I had a lot of fun and it was one of my favorite classes because everyone was energized and fun! Im very exciting for AP next year!


Nuvraj Bilkhu:D


Messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Extra Credit 10 pts due monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  tyler Ven 3 Juin - 1:13

1. Dans la classe de francais, j'aime les activities et les films.
2. Je n'aime pas le vocabulaire et grammaire.
3. If people didn't talk so much (including me!), it would be a lot easier.
4. More would be better. Although I don't like homework, I feel like it would've made me a lot better at French and I would've had an easier time in the class.
5. I would like it if we learned more History.
6. I feel like you should've gradually gotten more strict. Like you weren't strict at all last year and then this year, you became very strict.

You are such an amazing teacher! Have a great summer!
Smile Basketball sunny cheers lol! flower queen king elephant afro


Messages : 18
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  jessicam Jeu 2 Juin - 5:39

] 1] J'aime les projects avec les partners parce-que c'est tres amusant, et les films parce-que ils sont tres chouette!!!!!!!!!
2] Je deteste les bell-ringers, et le cahier parce-que les bell-ringers sont beacoup points et le cahier il y a beacoup des choses.
3] I think if we have more hands on activities, more getting to know the people more in the class because whenever we would do partners it would always be the same people, and we should have more parties.[:
4] I think it depends like if we had less we would probably have to work more in class, but if we had more homework it would be easier for you to see how the class is progressing and if we need more coverage on certain things.
5] Have a field trip!!! &&when it's nice outside we should do activites outside(:
6] I think this year we worked more diligently compared to last year, I think I prefer sponges instead of bell ringers just because you made the bell ringers such a big percent of our grade. I think that the bell ringers only helped if you studied, but most people didn't I think if you're doing bell ringers next year they should be every Friday and you would give us Monday through Thursday to study. I liked that we would change seats every 3 weeks, but you stopped doing that at the end of the year. I liked it because it gave me the opportunity to meet more people in the class but I think it would be cool next year if you would do assigned seats for 3 weeks and then 1 week we would have free sitting, and it would just repeat like that. The note cards help, but I think we should have had a more organized way with the notecards because I just had them all on seperate note cards. YOU WERE AN AMAZING TEACHER MS. D I I love you YOU!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
-Princess Jess king


Messages : 19
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  justins Jeu 2 Juin - 5:05

1. J'ai apprecie les projets et quelques-unes des activites de groupe que nous avons fait parce que j'ai aime travailler avec les gens de la classe.
2. Je n'aimais pas la lecture du livre avec la dame d'insectes et de faire des resumes de celui-ci, parce que je n'ai pas trouve cela tres benefique.
3. The large class size made it hard, but I think more could have been done to keep things productive. It seemed like most days, certain people were always loud and obnoxious, thus taking away from the learning experience of the rest of the class.
4. I think that less homework but more focused is ideal. Some of the homework we had over the course of the year was just busy work that didn't really benefit us much. I think we would learn the most from covering more material in class, and doing homework that is more an extension of what we covered in class that day.
5. I would have liked to have had small quizzes more often that were not for a grade, but just to test our understanding of the material we covered. Additionally, I think it would have been beneficial if we would have received a section outline or something to the effect for each part of the textbook we covered.
6. I felt that this year was a lot different than 3-4, but not necessarily in a good way. In 3-4 it seemed like we used our time more efficiently. We did a lot more speaking activities and less busy work in class, which made us better able to speak the language. This year it seems like there was a lot of time that was used inefficiently. Every day we did a lot of busy work in the work book that didn't really help us be better able to speak or write in French, it was just more of a hassle. Bell ringers were also something that got annoying. The concept of bell ringers is a good idea, but it wasn't executed as well as it could have been. There was a lot of poor communication on what the words were every day, and we would almost always walk into class having no clue what the bell ringers for the day were.


Messages : 24
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  crystald Jeu 2 Juin - 3:48

1) J'aime les films Americaine en francaise, parce que nous ecoutions a le langue. J'aime quand tu parle a nous en francais de ton vie.
2) Je n'aime pas le bell ringers. Tu as dis le vocabulaire trop rapide. It etais dificile penser a l'orthographe.
3) To make the class a more positive learning environment, you should put grammer posters on the wall to help our memory on the grammer rules.
4) Yes more homework. I think we should have a small homework assignment every other day or so to practice what we have learned in class. We could turn in the homework page for credit of completion. That would help us practice.
5) Write short funny stories in french to practice vocab and verbs.
6) The forums were a really good idea, but you should remind us to do them because I forget. We should practice speaking more too.
Merci Mme D! You are a wonderful teacher.


Messages : 17
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  andrea Jeu 2 Juin - 2:11


1) J'ai aime les dossiers parce que j'ai appris le francais dans une attitude passionnante. Aussi, j'ai aime regarder les films des francais parce que j'ai compris la culture francaise.
2) Je n'ai pas aime traivailler le cahier parce qu'il etait tres ennuyeux. Je n'ai pas aime ecire les notes parce que je n'ai pas appris d'eux.
3) Something I think would create a better learning environment would be to talk in French more often--around 90% of the time. I think speaking the language is the most important concept when learning a new language. The class could be more interractive if we spoke French more often.
4) As much as I hate homework, I think it is important for practicing the language. We always speak English, and therefore, we know it well. If we practiced French outside of school more often, then we have the potential to understand it and learn it better. On that note, having a great deal of homework is not ideal since we have six other classes, and it just becomes a chore.
5) I would love to learn more about culture. The only culture we learn is from the book, and the culture of any language is incredibly complex and interesting. It would be fun to read French magazines, newspapers, and books. Also, it would be great to be immersed in the youth culture of France and French Canada--possibly the music, fashion, etc. Additionally, playing interractive games would be fun (like jeopardy, etc.).
6) I don't think the class is very productive. We have many opportunities to talk amongst ourselves, and I don't think that is helping our French. Also, when you gave us assignments you were not strict enough when the due date was. When people didn't bring their assignments, you were lenient, which was extremely nice, but doesn't help prepare us to be better students. This year, you changed your teaching style, giving us a great deal of busy work. More often than not, we were writing in the workbook versus speaking in French. There wasn't enough speaking drills this year. I don't think the class as a whole is up to the level of 5-6. Even though the class wasn't as productive as I would have liked it to be, I still had a great time in French class Very Happy


Messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  lila Jeu 2 Juin - 0:49

1. J'aime lire les livres francais, comme l'histoire de Jean-Luc. C'est tres amusant! Aussis, j'aime travailler dans le cahier parce que j'apprende beaucoup.
2. Je n'aime pas regarder les films parce que je n'apprende pas de francais et de temps en temps je ne peux pas voir le tele.
3. I think it would be better if we just used French almost all the time in class. I think that the only negativeness in class is there because we don't understand French very well. But if we knew it better, I think this class would be a lot more fun. We would be able to do things more interesting than working on worksheets all day.
4. I think we should have more homework because I think we need to have it to learn French well. I don't think we have enough time in class to cover everything, and I definitely wouldn't mind working at home on what we didn't cover.
5. I would like to do more of the activities and practices in the textbook because they may not be very exciting but I learn a lot when I do them.
6. This year was great! I really liked it a lot. The only thing is that sometimes I worry at how far behind the Spanish 5-6 kids we are. I don't feel like my French is very good, and I wish I could have learned a lot more this year.
Merci pour un bon an!


Messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  katiep Mer 1 Juin - 23:39

1.Dans la classe, j'aime tirer. Quand mon enseignant parle je tire et d'une maniere ou d'une autre il m'aide a me souvenir que l'enseignant dit.
2.Je suis absolument desole de prendre des notes dans la classe. Je n'apprends pas par coeur bien quand je prends des notes, j'ecouterais juste . La plupart du temps ou je suis cense prendre des notes je tire et ecoute.
3.To make the classroom a more positive learning environment I think you should only be aloud to speak french in the class, that way you get a better understanding of what you are doing wrong and learn firsthand.
4.More homework because it gives you more practice and a better understanding of the language.
5.I would like to preform a script in french, like a play with props and costumes. I think that would be a fun way to learn how to speak properly.
6.This year I feel as though we slacked off a lot in class. I don't feel like I got as much as I could of out of the class. I think that if we only spoke French, had more homework, and did more hands-on projects I would grasp more of the knowledge. This year was especially hard for me because I am only a freshman in a higher level French class, but I really enjoyed it and the class is like one big family now.


Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 14/09/2010

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Message  ariana Mer 1 Juin - 23:28

1. J'aime les activities de livre que nous faisons dans la classe parce que ils sont amusants. J'aime aussi les projets comme le jeu que nous avons fait cette semaine parce que c'est different.
2.Je n'aime pas les bell ringers parce que ils sont ennuyeux tous les jours.
3.I would prefer fewer projects and more french instruction.
4. I prefer less homework and more material covered in class.
5. Maybe in class we can have more conversations in french to practice speaking french.
6. This year was more varied than last year. I liked that we did different things everyday. I would like to see more reading in french.
Au revoir. Merci beaucoup pour une bonne annee.


Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  chrisk Mer 1 Juin - 21:48

1. J'ai apprécié les activites et les projects. Certains d'entre eux étaient durs mais ils sont amusant.
2. Nous avons beacoup grammer et vocabulaire. Et parfois, vous êtes allé à rapide, Il a été difficile de comprendre.
3. Less talking and being a little more productive. Make it so the class size isn't so big. And just slow down with the teaching.
4. I think less, not because I hate the homework or anything, but because with like the worksheets I understand it more in class than if I'm at home by myself, bad learning isn't productive learning so I like doing them in class together.
5. Play more academic games, like have different learning styles implied in the classroom. It would be beneficial to the class and they wouldn't see it as busy work or boring work, so they would be learning and not even know that because they are having fun doing it.
6. I think this year was a lot different than last year. You were a lot more strict than last year and you changed your teaching style. And like even lately, when you told us our assignment and gave us our due date, the next day you changed everything and pretty much told us tough luck, so that was kinda hard. But also, you were lenient on a lot of things as well, which was nice. And I think you should do more one on one learning in the classroom because it really helps me learn easier, and pay more attention to each students individual learning. The class was hard for me at times but overall I enjoyed it.


Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

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Message  Admin Mer 1 Juin - 1:18

You may answer #3 to #6 in English

1. In French, write the things you enjoy doing in class (ex: activity project) and why?
2. In French, write the things you didn't like to do and why?
3. What some suggestions to make the class a more positive learning environment
4. About homework, do you want more or less homework and why
5. What would you like to do that we haven't done in class
6. Give me feedback about this year How can I improve this is your time to let me have it

Mme D queen


Messages : 99
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2010
Age : 58


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