RHS Club de francais
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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  mark Lun 6 Juin - 5:39

En classe, J'aie regarde les videos et cahier
En classe je n'aime pas un CD et livre
I would like to learn more about modern french as opposed formal french and also less bell ringers.
I thought that we had a good amount of homework, i never thought that we had an overwhelming amount nor nothing at all.
I thought that a good idea would to compare the different dialects of French.
I thought that the year was great but i think we need to do less book work and do more culture related things.


Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  tommy Lun 6 Juin - 0:55

1. En Le Classe, j'aime regarder les videos, et un livre
2. En le classe, je n'aime pas, un cahier, et un bell ringers
3. This year in french class was great. I would only change the amount of time we go over the words on the bell ringers. We should just do that for homework.
4. I think we had just enough homework because I was never overwhelmed or had none to do.
5. I would have liked to learn more about french and european culture. I think its interesting
6. I thought we needed to do less book work and more projects. Besides that I thought it was a great year in french. Thanks for teaching us Ms. D! Smile


Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 14/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  taylorr Dim 5 Juin - 18:25

1. En francais classe J'ai aime jouer bingo parce amusant
2. En francais classe Je ne aime parce difficult
3. I loved my French class this year, the only thing I didn't like were the forums, I would of rather of had a worksheet or something to take home instead.
4. I think for this particular class, home work would have been helpful.
5. I think if would be fun to do like a spelling bee or something, to practice vocab.
6. You did a fantastic job Mrs. D! I really enjoyed being in your class this year. (:


Messages : 4
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  sydney Sam 4 Juin - 23:51

1 En classe de francais j’aime collage de famille.
2 En classe de francais je n'aime pas test et quiz.
3 I think that we should have more hands on learning!! Like with making words with noodles that was a fun way to learn!
4 People won't like me for this, but, I think a worksheet or so a night for home work would of helped me! I don't go home and study but if I were to of had home work I would of had to study and more than likely I would have had a better grade.
5 I would have guest's come in and teach and stuff! Like you could have Ariel come in and teach or have her come in and just help you! Sometimes it's easier to have a teacher closer to our age because we can relate to them better! Also it would help her.Wink
6 Over all I really liked your class it was fun when it needed to be but serious when it needed to be. study study


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  tristan Sam 4 Juin - 2:33

1. En le classe, j'aime regarder les vidéos, et parle François.
2. En le classe, je n'aime pas, un cahier, et un livre.
3. I loved this year, it has been so amazing, and I think that this year could not have been better, and i wouldn't change a thing!
4. I think we had just enough hw we didn't have to much or to less, it was perfect!
5. I hoped to do a lot more stuff on clothing, and we should have done more things for the vocab.
6. I think we need more hands on stuff, and nothing else, it was all a great year, nothing would have topped this class!! thank you so much!! your awesome!! jocolor


Messages : 9
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  juliac Ven 3 Juin - 7:38

1 En classe, j'aime regarder les vidéos et la pratique de langue française. J'aime aussi faire des présentations.
2 Je n'aimais pas à faire des tests car ils sont difficiles.
3 I would not change a thing. I love French! It's so much fun!
4 Le travail a été bien.
5 Je suis content avec ce que nous avons appris en classe.
6 I honestly would not change a thing. French was one of my favorite classes this year. I have learned so much and can decipher most simple paragraphs and words. I grew a lot more than I had originally thought I would.


Messages : 11
Date d'inscription : 18/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  clairede Ven 3 Juin - 3:59

1.En classe de francaise j'aime traduire lettres.
2.Je n'aime pas faire test parce que ils ont tres difficile!
3.Learn more about the different cultures of French countries, and provinces.
4. We have the perfect amount of homework! There really isn't that much besides the occasional activity and studying for vocabulary.
5. Maybe do some more bigger projects, like the power points at the end of the year.
6. I really liked class this year! I believe even though I was doing class independently I was still able to keep up with how to pronounce the vocab. I think the class was a lot of fun though (especially Friday movies!)


Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  alexis Ven 3 Juin - 2:40

1. En classe de francais j’aime faire la presentation de powerpoint a la fin de l’annee parce que il est amusant
2. Je n’aime pas faire test parce que ils ont difficile
3. I really don’t think that anything should change.I really learned a lot and that’s all that counts right?
4. The same amount of homework because we rarely had any except for studying vocab and I think that was enough to still learn but not be overloaded by homework.
5. I really wanted to read in that little blue book more
6. I don’t think anything should change….like I said I learned a lot and could understand what things meant…although it still is hard to come up with a conversation
Surprised Surprised


Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  elsa Jeu 2 Juin - 21:07

1.) Je prefer collages et pasta letters parce que j'adore art.
2.) Je ne pas tests parce que difficult.
3.) Get more active and do more hands on learning.
4.) Less we need to have time for math and english homework and we also need sleep at night.
5.) Hands on learning.
6.) I really enjoyed this year and I liked your method of learning, I would like to have more studying advice though. Arrow


Messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 19/01/2011

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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

Message  Admin Mer 1 Juin - 1:13

You may answer #3 to #6 in English

1. In French, write the things you enjoy doing in class (ex: activity project) and why?
2. In French, write the things you didn't like to do and why?
3. What some suggestions to make the class a more positive learning environment
4. About homework, do you want more or less homework and why
5. What would you like to do that we haven't done in class
6. Give me feedback about this year How can I improve this is your time to let me have it

Mme D queen


Messages : 99
Date d'inscription : 23/08/2010
Age : 58


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Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am Empty Re: Extra Credit 10 pts due Monday June 6 before 7:00am

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